Whistleblower System PRO DESIGN
Goal of PRO DESIGN's Whistleblower System
As a company, we highly value transparency, integrity, and compliance with laws and regulations.
The goal of our whistleblower system is to provide employees and external parties with a secure and confidential means to report concerns or suspicions regarding potential violations of laws, company policies, or ethical standards. The establishment of a whistleblower system aims to detect and address potential issues early on, minimizing harm to the company and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. The system also aims to contribute to fostering an open and transparent corporate culture where concerns are taken seriously and handled appropriately.
WHO can report incidents?
All employees of PRO DESIGN, business partners, and third parties worldwide.
WHAT can be reported?
Risks and violations, especially when there is reasonable suspicion of legal breaches, breaches of the PRO DESIGN Code of Conduct, as well as other misconduct within the company and along the supply chain.
HOW can incidents be reported?
There are various ways to submit a report:
- via email to whistleblower@prodesign-europe.com
- in writing to PRO DESIGN Electronic GmbH, Whistleblower Protection, Albert-Mayer-Straße 14-16, 83052 Bruckmühl, or
- in person with the Compliance Officer at 08062 808-106
Confidentiality of reports:
All reports will be treated confidentially. The whistleblower's identity will only be disclosed if legally required or if the whistleblower expressly consents.
We do not tolerate reprisals against employees who, in good faith, provide a report. Any attempt to disadvantage or harass the whistleblower will be seriously addressed.
All reports will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
How are reports processed?